Super Delicious, Super Easy Baguette Pizza Bites

Baguette Pizza Bites are one of my very favorite things to do with baguettes. These are especially good for a baguette that has been left on the counter a day too long and is starting to develop a very crusty crust!

You can get a baguette at any of the High Point Farmer’s Markets, or order one at the Sour’d store.

Here’s how make these Baguette Pizza Bites:

1.) Slice the baguette into thin slices.

I like to slice these straight down so I get rounded shapes in the same circumference as the baguette. For larger pizzas, slice the baguette on a diagonal.

2.) Arrange your slices on a baking sheet, like so:

3.) Top the slices. These have marinara, shredded mozzarella and pepperoni. If you do this yourself, the baguette slices may still look like individual pizzas. But if you let your kids help, you’ll have more fun and your pan of pizza bites might end up looking something like ours:

A note on toppings: Top with whatever you like, but I recommend using a liquid sauce (marinara, petso, etc.) Whatever you do, note that the liquid sauce will help the baguette slices soften in the oven. If you do not use a liquid sauce, then you will likely end up with something more akin to croutons.

4.) Bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.

This lower temperature helps the baguette slices soften up, but the outside crust should remain intact.

5.) Put them on a plate.

Or a napkin.

Or just take the whole pan to the porch and eat with your people.

Definitely eat these hot, and if you have leftovers (which is very unlikely) just put them in the fridge and reheat them tomorrow for lunch.


Fall Favorites


Heat and Hope: An Ode to Summer